
Item #979

Category: TV

Title: The Good Wife for Rent on DVD - DVD Netflix


User Selected Text:
The title of this outstanding new TV series misleadingly implies an old-style stand-by-your-man woman. In the opening Alicia Floreck (Julianna Margulies) is by her husband's side as he announces to reporters that he will fight the corruption verdict sending him to jail. Meanwhile a sex-tape of him with a prostitute is showing on MSNBC. At first stunned and near-catatonic, Alicia is soon jolted out of her role as helpmeet and thrown by events into the workplace, no longer the ¿good wife¿ - or good by a very different standard.<br /> The pilot episode is a masterpiece, showing Alicia's gradual return to life, her bearing up under the inevitable jokes and leers, the skepticism of others, the loss of her comfortable lifestyle, and the desertion of many of her friends. But Alicia, who was a lawyer before she married, soon regains her masterful courtroom presence, and with her investigative sidekick Kalinda (Archie Panjabi) she litigates a variety of case