
Item #5735

Rating: 5 Stars

Category: Living Well

Title: 3 Reasons Why You Hate Yourself And How To Solve It


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We all have that feeling of hating ourselves at some point in life and feel doubtful at everything we do. It’s distressing when we hate our own lives and feel inferior to the people near us.<br /> <br /> Why do we have such a feeling? Does every person have that same kind of feeling?<br /> <br /> What are the causes of all the negative feelings in our mind and how to overcome that? You might be one among millions who are smiling outwardly but crying inwardly.<br /> <br /> Every time you look into the mirror, you might be asking, Am I too fat, Do I look good? Stop…if you are!<br /> <br /> Because we are going to unveil the truth behind all our negative internal feelings and learn how to stop self-hatred forever.<br /> <br /> I had learned it the hard way through experience and today I am going to teach my whole life experience of how I bounced back to loving myself in a simple manner.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Always Remember you are not alone, we will get through this journey together.<br /> <br /> There are 3 main reasons why you hate yourself.