
Item #3702

Rating: 4 Stars

Category: Editing Tools

Title: Grammarly | Free Writing Assistant


User's Notes:
This is an essential tool for any publisher, but in particular important for those who English is not their mother tongue. It is As explained in the Selected Text above, it does more than only spell checks, it is also checking grammar mistakes and gives you suggestions for how to correct your sentences. If you are a blogger you certainly do not want pins wondering around with mistakes, so Grammarly provides with another layer of security to make sure your content is good to go!

User Selected Text:
Editing made easy - Get detailed feedback on your writing and apply suggestions with just one click.<br /> Become a better writer - See your feedback organized into categories that help you identify where your writing is strong and where you can make it stronger.<br /> Go beyond grammar - Make your writing clear, compelling, and concise with suggestions customized to your writing goals.<br /> Set your goals - Adjust Grammarly’s feedback based on your objectives, your target audience, your writing style, and more.<br />