
Item #3423

Rating: 5 Stars

Category: Spirit

Title: Vetiver


User Selected Text:
Vetiver Essential Oil is derived from the complex white root system of a grass used in India and Sri Lanka for the creation of woven matting.<br /> Vetiver Essential Oil has an earthy, woody scent characteristic of most essential oils derived from roots in the earth. It also has a rich, sweetly satisfying note that is both warm and masculine.<br /> In India and Sri Lanka, Vetiver Essential Oil is known as the "oil of tranquility". This is directly applicable to its common applications as relaxing and comforting oil.<br /> Vetiver Essential Oil is said to be deeply relaxing and comforting. It is used as a base note in perfumery and aromatherapy applications. Vetiver is effective in alleviating the signs of acne, allergies, anxiety, arthritis, bruises, cuts, depression, insect bites and stings, insomnia, itching, menstrual problems, muscular aches and pains, nervous tension, rheumatism, scars, skin problems, sprains, stiffness, stress, tension, and wounds. For skin conditions and bug irritations, Vetiver may be added to most blends.<br /> In an aromatherapy diffuser, vetiver oil can be used for nervous tension, anxiety, depression, dispelling hysteria, anger and irritability and also to relieve insomnia. Due to its properties, Vetiver is also known to reduce the symptoms of ADD and ADHD.