
Item #3399

Rating: 5 Stars

Category: Spirit

Title: Lemon


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The Lemon tree was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. Five Fold Citrus Essential Oils are more concentrated than the regular citrus essential oils. Through extended distillation, terpenes are removed from the oil rendering more suitable for cosmetic applications. Its color is pale yellow to yellow liquid.<br /> Lemon Essential Oil has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is reputed as being antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. Research has also shown Lemon Essential Oil to enhance the ability to concentrate. <br /> The fruit was well known in Europe by the middle ages, and Greeks and Romans were advocates of its therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil reached the height of its fame when the British began using the citrus fruit to counteract the effects of scurvy.<br /> In an aromatherapy diffuser, Lemon is known to improve concentration and cleanse the environment reducing bacterial, fungi, virus and other impurities from the air.