Item #1841
Rating: 5 Stars
Category: Other
Title: The Reasons to Start Running |The Road to My Avennyou
User Selected Text:
You,<br />
like me, are probably fully aware of the importance and advantages of a daily workout<br />
routine. We all hear from friends and acquaintances how much better their life is<br />
since they took this path. You can find dozens of articles summarizing the<br />
importance and improvements and throngs of bloggers writing about why it is so<br />
great to run. Here is one beautiful example—a short summary of 50 reasons to<br />
run.<br />
<br />
By<br />
the time you get into this routine, you need no more convincing. You know, feel<br />
and react to it by yourself. But the hard part is getting to that stage. I can<br />
only share my experience which may help you to find the impetus to make the<br />
change and just start: